Climate Transformed Ventures (CTV) is a methane infrastructure and origination platform company that leverages government funding and private capital to cap orphaned oil wells across the United States and Canada.

An orphaned oil well has no solvent owner of record, leaving the responsibility of capping in the hands of state and federal governments.

The EPA estimates that there are up to 3.7 million orphaned wells in North America, with the estimated cost to cap them ranging from $200bn- $300bn.

There is only $4.7bn allocated by the US Federal Government under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

This is the first phase of a multi-decade solution that will require the extensive deployment of private capital

Paul Krake


Paul has over 25 years’ experience as a financial market strategist. 

In 2011 he founded View from the Peak, a global, multi-asset class research platform that focuses on the interactions between public policy, economic trends, technology, and geopolitics. In 2015, Expanding on the thought leadership stemming from View from the Peak, Paul launched the Expert Series. What started as a series of ad-hoc interviews became leading commentary on the mega thematics of China, Climate, Digitization and Demographics. The firm has a network of hundreds of think tank fellows, academics, corporate leadership, and independent strategists that cover technology developments, geopolitics, trade, regulation, equities, the energy transition and more. 

US-China Series was launched in 2018 and Climate Transformed was born in 2021 from the desire to apply the multimedia intelligence model to understanding the biggest existential challenge our world has ever faced. 

Prior to this, Paul spent 15 years in Investment Banking and Asset Management. He was the Managing Partner of Corus Capital Management, a multi-strategy Asian focused hedge fund based in New York. Before forming Corus in 2005, he held roles at Caxton Associates, Moore Capital Management, Goldman Sachs and Macquarie Bank. Paul holds a Bachelor of Economics and Politics from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. 

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