Climate Transformed Ventures (CTV) is a methane infrastructure and origination platform company that leverages government funding and private capital to cap orphaned oil wells across the United States and Canada.

An orphaned oil well has no solvent owner of record, leaving the responsibility of capping in the hands of state and federal governments.

The EPA estimates that there are up to 3.7 million orphaned wells in North America, with the estimated cost to cap them ranging from $200bn- $300bn.

There is only $4.7bn allocated by the US Federal Government under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

This is the first phase of a multi-decade solution that will require the extensive deployment of private capital

Carbon Markets
Mar 2, 2023

How is Europe Replacing Russian Oil & Gas?

The Ukranian invasion exposed the deficiencies of EU energy policy via its dependence on Russian gas. While Brussels fast-tracks its efforts for a renewable future, natural gas will remain the dominant fuel for the industry for the rest of the decade. With few long-term contracts in place, how does the EU ensure secure gas supplies in the years ahead?
Guest(s): Lutz Kilian, Policy Adviser at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Tatiana Mitrova, Research Fellow at Center on Global Energy Policy; Mark Finley, Fellow in Energy & Oil at Baker Institute
Moderator: Paul Krake

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