Fossil Fuels

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OIES: The EU’s Plan to Rapidly Reduce Russian Gas Imports

by two-thirds by the end of 2022- Practical realities and implications

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Biofuel remains an emerging technology although it has been around for many years. However, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has given this industry a push forward, and POET, the largest ethanol producer in the U.S., now has investment certainty for at least 15 years. The bioethanol industry will always face challenges in securing enough feedstock, and demand will outstrip supply at some point. However, the biggest challenge that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has right now for the short term is executing the IRA. We discuss the infrastructure and logistics for biofuels, and the impact that the IRA is set to have on paving the path for this industry in the years to come.
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Mr Mike Fulwood, Dr Anouk Honoré, Dr Jack Sharples, Mr Marshall Hall
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies is an energy research institution which was founded in 1982, and serves a worldwide audience with its research, guides understanding of all major energy issues. It is a Recognised Independent Centre of the University of Oxford.



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