Climate Transformed Ventures (CTV) is a methane infrastructure and origination platform company that leverages government funding and private capital to cap orphaned oil wells across the United States and Canada.

An orphaned oil well has no solvent owner of record, leaving the responsibility of capping in the hands of state and federal governments.

The EPA estimates that there are up to 3.7 million orphaned wells in North America, with the estimated cost to cap them ranging from $200bn- $300bn.

There is only $4.7bn allocated by the US Federal Government under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

This is the first phase of a multi-decade solution that will require the extensive deployment of private capital

Carbon Markets
1 podcast
1 videos - 
Sep 14, 2022

Moss Earth: Scaling the Amazon

Did you know you can acquire one hectare of land in the Amazon for $100? Is it any wonder that this land is being snapped up by farming interests, burned and used to harvest beef, soybeans and other global crops producing 1.2bn tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. That same hectare can earn $100 of carbon credits per annum. Moss Earth is determined to convince Brazilian landowners, farmers and the government that protecting this essential resource can be economically viable. Luis Adaime leads Moss Earth, a project developer, using data, satellite imaging and blockchain to rethink the economic viability of the Amazon.
Guest(s): Luis Adaime, CEO of Moss Earth
Moderator: Paul Krake

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